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Illumina 二代测序组合试剂盒 授权江苏代理

简要描述:Illumina 二代测序组合试剂盒 授权江苏代理
Sequencing Kits/ Microarray Kits/Informatics Products
Illumina 测序组合试剂盒

  • 产品型号:Illumina Kits RS-303-1002
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2019-06-14
  • 访  问  量:344


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规格1 kit供货周期两周
主要用途小型全基因组测序 组合试剂 试剂盒应用领域医疗卫生,化工,生物产业,制药

Illumina 二代测序组合试剂盒 授权江苏代理


"Illumina/TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel Set A/RS-303-1002/1 Ea

" RS-303-1002 Illumina 产品编号: RS-303-1002美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research Products "Product Highlights:

The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel provides a comprehensive analysis of the cancer transcriptome. It offers:


Gene expression information, variant calling, and fusion detection with known and novel gene fusion partners

Optimized, low-input protocol for a wide range of sample types including FFPE

A comprehensive view of cancer pathways

Economical RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on a desktop sequencer

Highly Sensitive and Economical Targeted Sequencing

The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel enables the quantitative measurement of gene expression as well as the detection of gene fusions with both known and novel gene fusion partners. The panel accommodates as little as 10 ng of total RNA input (or 20 ng from FFPE samples). The focus on a subset of relevant genes enables RNA-Seq with high sensitivity at 8 samples per run on a desktop sequencer, allowing cost-effective access to NGS for any lab.


Intuitive Cloud-based Data Analysis

Analysis can be performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment BaseSpace App. This intuitive tool performs fusion calling andvariant detection, and provides gene expression profiles, offering a comprehensive solution to all cancer researchers.


TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Sample Datasets

MiSeq Data

10 ng of human reference RNA (UHR), human reference brain RNA (Brain), cell line RNA (MCF7), and 20 ng of breast tumor FFPE RNA (BT) were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel and sequenced on the MiSeq System. Read mapping and fusion calling were performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment App with STAR aligner on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.


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MiniSeq Data

Human reference RNA (HBRR and UHRR), cell line RNA (MCF7), and breast tumor RNA samples were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel, and 8 samples were sequenced on the MiniSeq System at a 2x76bp read length with single indexing. The total yield was 4.2 Gb with 96.8% of bases at or above Q30.


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Assay Time 2.5 days

Hands-On Time 11 hours

Input Quantity 10 ng total RNA,20 - 100 ng FFPE RNA

System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500

Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Sequencing for Cytogenomics

Variant Class Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants

Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input

Technology Sequencing

Species Category Human

Cancer Type Pan-Cancer




Sequencing Kits/ Microarray Kits/Informatics Products/ Clinical Research Products/In Vitro Diagnostic/ Products/Molecular Biology Reagents/ Accessory Products


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Illumina 二代测序组合试剂盒 授权江苏代理

